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University Libraries Colloquium

University Libraries Colloquium

Kelly Maust, Librarian & Assistant Professor of Teaching at the Lambuth Campus Library, will present "Mushroom for All: Creating an Open-Access Guide to Campus Mushroom Hunting as an Academic Librarian." In this presentation, which she will also present at the Tennessee Library Association conference later this semester, she will share the story of how she created an original eBook, Fungi of Lambuth: A Field Guide, and added it to the University Libraries Digital Commons as an Open Educational Resource (OER). She will share how she became interested in the world of fungi, the connections she found between mushroom hunting and librarianship, how she created the eBook, how to use a Creative Commons license, her mushroom bibliography, and her ideas for fungi-related library programming.

Join us via Teams>

Friday, February 21, 2025
10:00am - 11:30am
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Anna Swearengen

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