Event box

University Libraries Colloquium In-Person
Join us for the University Libraries Colloquium, an event series where Libraries faculty present on recent research, in-person in McWherter Library's 2nd Floor Commons or via Teams (https://bit.ly/ULresearch14). Brigitte Billeaudeaux, Associate Professor & Head of Special Collections, will present "Worth a Thousand Words: Decoding Collective Knowledge Through Memes." Political and editorial cartoons have long been used to convey issues that we, culturally, care and have opinions on in a funny or thought-provoking way. These cartoons are examples of the meme, or cultural concepts that have been replicated and mimicked enough to become part of cultural memory. This presentation will provide an overview and history of memes through the lens of the political cartoons, as well as provide a foundational basis to explain how we are able to interpret them. We will explore how each of us can look at a picture with limited content and understand the context almost immediately thanks to millennia of physical and cultural evolution. "Worth a Thousand Words: Decoding Collective Knowledge Through Memes," an exhibition of political cartoons and memes from the University Libraries’ Special Collections, is now on display on McWherter Library's 4th Floor.
- Date:
- Friday, October 18, 2024
- Time:
- 10:00am - 11:30am
- Time Zone:
- Central Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- 2nd Floor Common Area (McWherter)